Jambusters provides car share and lift share software and other environmental and property software for private and public sector employers
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Jambusters software facilitates car share matches for two or more people for long-term car share agreements and for ad hoc arrangements or off-site shared attendance at other locations.
It is specifically aimed at assisting employers wanting to make a positive contribution towards reducing traffic congestion or to reduce their on-site parking needs.
Uniquely, we present potential carshare matches on high quality, detailed Ordnance Survey maps, enabling members to visualise their journey and make better informed decisions about their Carshare options.
One-click searching for potential car sharers both close-to-home and en-route. Users can narrow or widen their search area and criteria to achieve their best potential matches
Initially designed to encourage and maximise car sharing by employees on their daily commutes, it now offers additional invaluable features for administrators. eg: parking permit recording, plotting of member postcodes to help identify unmet transport needs and illustrate clusters of members.
There are administrative facilities to easily add additional 'layers' to the mapping, eg: bus stops, car parks, etc., using local expertise, and to add and remove employers as appropriate.
Multi-transport methods - Taxi-share to reach those people with no cars or no access to public transport. Members can register and share as taxi-sharers, cyclists or walkers, for example.
It is multi-area, multi-organisational and can cover general public and private employer groups, including people travelling into the area.
Hosted on Jambusters secure servers
Individually customised in collaboration with you - the user interface is intuitive and simple to use and is available through any web browser.
For ongoing marketing and incentivisation purposes the system provides a bulk email facility.
Secure administration accounts allow monitoring, user support and tidying. Easily export membership data to local spreadsheets or databases for analysis and ad hoc reporting. Many standard reports are supplied for administrative purposes and further customised reports can be made available.
Jambusters will service and secure the system and upgrade automatically with the latest data and upgrades. It will be accessible both via the internet and through the individual organisation's intranet.
Employees self-register via an easy web form and can register different arrival and departure times for each day of the week.
We recognise that there is more to socially and environmentally responsible business travel than just car sharing, and that there is more to a car sharing scheme than just the generation of "matches"
A successful scheme typically requires proactive administration (for a few hours a week) by a suitably enthusiastic individual: a little effort in identifying, training and supporting such a person will be amply repaid.
We provide customers with valuable support and advice including initial and ongoing publicity, successful launches, incentivisation and reward mechanisms, facilities and support for cyclists and walkers, public transport, etc.
We draw on the varied experiences of our customers to proactively spread best practice and cross-fertilise innovation.